dSploit, or: Showing once again that Android is master race.



"dSploit is an Android network analysis and penetration suite which aims to offer to IT security experts/geeks the most complete and advanced professional toolkit to perform network security assesments on a mobile device. Once dSploit is started, you will be able to easily map your network, fingerprint alive hosts operating systems and running services, search for known vulnerabilities, crack logon procedures of many tcp protocols, perform man in the middle attacks such as password sniffing ( with common protocols dissection ), real time traffic manipulation, etc, etc . This application is still in beta stage, a stable release will be available as soon as possible, but expect some crash or strange behaviour until then, in any case, feel free to submit an issue on GitHub."

Free, opensource, useful, hilarious. What could you want more?
I've tested it, it works 100%. A few recommended things to do after logging into a friends WLAN:

- Redirect his every connection request to http://lemonparty.org
- Just disable everyones connection and browse in full speed
- Replace all images on all websites with a pic of a panda bear
- Steal login information, Session-IDs and cookies
- Find vulnerabilities on running machines

It's ridiculous really, the ability to fully pentest a network from a fucking phone.
I suggest you try it out, especially if you're interested in netsec!
Damn that sounds awesome, unfortunately I do not own an Android device...
While we're kinda on the subject Panki, do you know a good working way to crack a wifi password?
Mave said:
Damn that sounds awesome, unfortunately I do not own an Android device...
While we're kinda on the subject Panki, do you know a good working way to crack a wifi password?
You'll need a network card that can be set into monitoring mode tho.
Or get BackTrack, or better Kali Linux and put it on an USB stick. Has everything integrated you could need.
If the encryption is WEP it's ezpz. WPA-2PSK is more difficult, and if the network uses a whitelist it won't work.
Panki said:
Mave said:
Damn that sounds awesome, unfortunately I do not own an Android device...
While we're kinda on the subject Panki, do you know a good working way to crack a wifi password?
You'll need a network card that can be set into monitoring mode tho.
Or get BackTrack, or better Kali Linux and put it on an USB stick. Has everything integrated you could need.
If the encryption is WEP it's ezpz. WPA-2PSK is more difficult, and if the network uses a whitelist it won't work.
Thanks for the tip, just had to install Ubuntu for my OS course, so will try to use these tools.
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