Drugs are bad. But good for spectators.

GPow69 said:
MiRc34 said:
LLLLLol ;_;
A house on fire and a drugged man... ALL IN FULL HD. Not sure if like.

Who do you think started the fire? lol
Im guessing his crack pipe exploded I mean richerd prior coaught him self on fire BC of a crack pipe~ But atlesst he dosent need to look for a lighter
Yeah i dont thnk he cares at all! When he gets to the hospital He will all of a sudden be in imense pain *wink wink* then by flying on pain killers
Waffles can you please smoke a joint with me or a blunt i need something
Kitty said:
Yeah i dont thnk he cares at all! When he gets to the hospital He will all of a sudden be in imense pain *wink wink* then by flying on pain killers
Waffles can you please smoke a joint with me or a blunt i need something

lol :smoke:
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