Drinking Doubles your Life Span & Makes You Impervious to Stress


Be Patient.
Just kidding! Though, that would be pretty awesome! Sadly, though, it's not true, which bring me to this question:
Where do you think the human race would be right now if this were true? Do you think we would be overly intelligent, crazily freakish people who would try to prolong death further in ways only God knows?

I was like wtf when I saw the topic title.

And I think earth would be be way too overcrowded, imagine twice the amount of people, not good.
Something that doubles the lifespan for everyone would be bad.

But then again you also point out that people would be impervious to stress, then we would have probably achieved so much more... So maybe we would have achieved so much more.

THEN AGAIN everybody would be drunk half the time haha
So actually this wouldn't be so good after all :P
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