Do you ever feel bad about killing bugs or spiders?


TMS Founder
When I wanted to kill this spider in my room, I actually doubted for a few seconds, then I apologized to him and smashed him.

I'm such a pussy x)

Do you guys have this too with some sort of other small insect/creature?
No. And when some mosquito is really annoying me (btw just killed some flying dipshit), I smack him and break off his legs and wings. Fuck yea.
I don't, really.

I hate mozquitos the most cause they do it to fuck us! can't they do it to other animals! :(

Anyways, i used to kill ants when i was young (4 year old or something) and cut their heads and stuff like that, so since then i never felt bad about killing bugs
I kill everything without looking what it is. If it is an insect in my room/house it needs to be DEAD :3
But as Panki said, I caught a mosquito on the window trying to get out, smashed it and then took the wings. The wings are AMAZING :o
My mom told me that I sometimes ate mosquitos wings when I was something 5 >__________________> After I killed them of course.

But no, everything unrelated living beings are dead in my room.
I feel bad about most bugs, but not ones that really piss me off (Ones that bite or sting)

Like it's a helpless little bug that's most likely got no idea how to get back to where it wants to go, and humans just take it's life for no reason :|

What really pisses me off is when I see kids pulling the legs off spiders... that's so fucking cruel..

Although I will squish a bug that I see is in pain or something to take it out of it's misery
GPow69 said:
What really pisses me off is when I see kids pulling the legs off spiders... that's so fucking cruel..

Same here..

Also people who make salt circles around snails, that's also so cruel..


Panki said:
The wings are amazing, and sometimes I burn the corpse X)

I'm shocked.
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