Crysis 2 PC demo a complete console port.

Somehow I saw this coming!
I never believed the "PC version is made for PC!" from the beginning.

Maybe they're just trollin' us because the beta got leaked :ninja:
MiRc34 said:
Well FUCK.
I pre-ordered it on steam ;_?
You can get a refund for any pre order on steam, just as long as you claim it before its released. I had home front pre-ordered but cancelled after watching some more recent footage. Just open Steam Support ticket and ask for a refund and theyll ask you if you want the cash back or if you want to put the money in your steam wallet for future steam purchases.
The game is good, Mirc. Don't cancel your preorder. As far as I can tell, this post is complete bullshit and the game is excellent.

Decide for yourself after actually playing the demo :P
Played the demo for 20 fucking minutes and I was AMAZED <333
Seriously, I love the game and don't regret a cent (off my mother's card :troll:)

Nice game. Buy it if you can run it.
MiRc34 said:
Played the demo for 20 fucking minutes and I was AMAZED <333
Seriously, I love the game and don't regret a cent (off my mother's card :troll:)

Nice game. Buy it if you can run it.

Exactly, Kryo is just a harsh game critic that looks for the game's flaws before actually having FUN.

Click to enlarge

Even with Steam's image compression, the graphics still look amazing :)
Well good for you guys that you have such a good computers :<

I tried it and I really liked, but the bad thing is that I can't change my graphic setting at all. There just was "Gamer" "Hardcore" and "Advanced", whatthefuck.
Mauri said:
I tried it and I really liked, but the bad thing is that I can't change my graphic setting at all. There just was "Gamer" "Hardcore" and "Advanced", whatthefuck.

Yeah, I found that pretty gay :\
I hope they change that in the full release. But I doubt they will

Another lil' screenie.

I don't think my graphics card would keep it up on Hardcore tho :/
MiRc34 said:
I don't think my graphics card would keep it up on Hardcore tho :/

You'll do fine. Even my graphics card destroys Hardcore setting, I get pretty high FPS on all the settings.
My screen was on Hardcore setting :3
Yea and I want to play without any lags.

If they won't fix that, I will goddamn buy it to PS3.
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