So remember that half-naked picture of herself Courtney Love Tweeted this past weekend? The picture that looked like a still out of any CSI "dead hooker" episode? The picture that made you step into a church for the first time in years to marinate your skull in a bowl of blessed holy water while asking the lord above to forgive you for whatever sins you may have committed (aka stealing someone's Coke from the office refrigerator without saying shit)? Well, Courtney Love has turned in her resignation letter over that picture and will never speak to the Twitter bird again:
I'm off twitter, that photo was meant for a boy friend
about 7 hours ago via web
So Courtney Love meant to send that privately to "a boy friend" but accidentally Twatted it to the entire internet world instead? It's an honest mistake. Just like it's an honest mistake when Courtney pisses on an ottoman thinking it's a toilet and talks into a dog's ass thinking it's a cell phone.
Source: http://dlisted.com/node/39131