Fries Ciao! Messages 1,963 Location Bronx, New York Nov 10, 2010 #1 url] Funnie[/media]st shit I've seen in a while
Mave TMS Founder Administrator Messages 236,151 Location Belgium Nov 10, 2010 #2 MY EARS! (BTW Protip, you should have named this topic 'Music Awards Ad', not 'Commercial I just saw'.
MY EARS! (BTW Protip, you should have named this topic 'Music Awards Ad', not 'Commercial I just saw'.
P [Pwi]CadBane Oldest Member Messages 113 Location New York USA Nov 10, 2010 #4 this is worse then getting rick roll'd what should we cal this Bieber roll'd or something
GPow69 EDM for life ♥ Messages 18,837 Location Canada Nov 14, 2010 #5 Lmao, I muted it and watched it and it was pretty funny
ThePro Well-Known Member Messages 2,403 Location Washington, DC Jan 22, 2011 #6 BUMP. Just like you guys to notice that my mobile phone network thingy got copied by that ad, kinda gdA5rw1OwBM[/media]]
BUMP. Just like you guys to notice that my mobile phone network thingy got copied by that ad, kinda gdA5rw1OwBM[/media]]
MiRc34 #3 Top Poster Hurr Durr. Messages 11,272 Location Romania Jan 22, 2011 #7 Holy Fucking LOL Awesome share, both of ya LOL