Canada wants warrantless Internet spying, says critics back child pornographers


TMS Founder

Canadian Public Safety Minister Vic Toews

Canada's conservative government has re-introduced an Internet surveillance bill that would allow the government to obtain information about Internet subscribers—without a warrant. The legislation would require service providers to provide law enforcement with IP addresses, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and other information on demand.

The bill would also "require ISPs and cellular phone companies to install equipment for real-time surveillance and create new police powers designed to obtain access to the surveillance data."

Members of the opposition have vowed to fight the legislation. More than 80,000 people have signed an online petition opposing the bill.

Challenged by an opposition member about the proposal, public safety minister Vic Toews cited child pornography as a justification for the bill. Opponents of the legislation "can either stand with us or with the child pornographers," he said.

"Apparently if you care about civil liberties in this country you obviously side with child pornographers, murderers," countered Green Party leader Elizabeth May said. "You're the worst form of scum if you believe the Charter’s an important instrument for the rule of law in this country. I'm horrified by this kind of rhetoric. It demeans us all."

The legislation is expected to be formally introduced at a press conference this afternoon.

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