Call of Duty4: MW problem


Live stoned, die laughing.
Antwerp, Belgium
Yo dudes,

I just bought CoD4: Modern Warfare.
I have to say that the multiplayer is awesome but, I don't have an ammo counter, grenade counter, minimap, etc ingame.

- I lowered my resolution (1024x768, and the screen is not fully filled) and I have sometimes the ammo counter etc, but if I apply my monitor resolution (1366x768) it all dissappears.

- I applied the latest patch (1.7) and it still doesn't work.

- Turned off Windows Aero

- No other processes are busy (except Xfire)

- I'm using Windows 7.

- Cleaned out my registry with Your Uninstaller and CCleaner.

Anyone else having this problem?
Sounds like a hardcore server :P ... but if it isn't, I really don't know, try to reinstall?
Okay it were all hardcore servers.
I disabled in filters "hardcore" (I'm new to the game, okay? :p).

Thanks Mauri and Panki (at Xfire)!
Glad you got it solved :3
But if it was the margins causing you problems, I think you could of set that in the options or something to fit your screen.
waffelz you are using laptop too right? Because I have a same problem when I set my resolution to lower than 1280x720.
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