"Anyone can get confused": Nurse injects patient with coffee


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A student nurse in Brazil has been charged with involuntary manslaughter after allegedly injecting a patient with coffee, rather than a blood drip.

Rejane Moreira Telles, 23, had been working at a Rio de Janeiro clinic for only three days
when the incident occurred, the New York Daily News reports.

"Anyone can get confused," Telles told TV Globo, pointing out that the blood drip and a feed drip filled with a coffee and milk mixture were right next to each other. She also noted that she had not received training in this particular procedure.

The patient, 80-year-old Palmerina Pires Ribeiro, died last week, hours after the mix-up, according to the Daily Mail.

Nutritional specialist Dr. Armando Carreir told the network that Ribeiro's death "would have been as if [she] was suffocating."

Two nurses and other student at the clinic have also been indicted for manslaughter.

A similar incident occurred in Rio de Janeiro in late September, when a nursing technician allegedly injected a patient with soup.

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/24/rejane-moreira-telles-nurse-injects-patient-coffee_n_2006821.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news&ir=Weird%20News

Nice nursing school you got there Brazil...
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