Yeah that guy was haveing a Serious Nic-fit. But what really sucks for little yellow dide after all that. Is he didnt smoke one Ciggy the whole time and his pack would have been ruined by the water at the end! Poor guy
Yeah i dont thnk he cares at all! When he gets to the hospital He will all of a sudden be in imense pain *wink wink* then by flying on pain killers Waffles can you please smoke a joint with me or a blunt i need something
Thats interseting! I hope the multiplayer is better then bad company 2. Which i hated. On a flip note though The single player in bad company 2 was one of the best i have played. The ending of the story was really open ended, Hopefully they will make another one
I always see the stupid adds for this game on adult swim. After listing to the song that was so Epicily chessy i fell in love with it, I tried it. It was fun I spent maybe 15 minutes on it Which for me with a flash game is alot
I do miss the old RTS games, The warcrat and star craft were my favirote games of the RTS genre. I still Play tower defense evrey now and then in Warcraft3. They still make Good RTS games. The new starcraft just came out thats RTS and even cicvilazation is a RTS. Just not a very good one in my opion
that was a pretty a cool share. Loved the background music and the edditing made evreything flow so nicley. I was a little sad though Bc i was like 1 minute away from watching the last featured video. then you changed it on me
That was a sad pun......
That is awesome. I mean i feel kinda bad for the guy it was not like he was rapeing his daughter. But cutting his balls off man that makes me giggle. There are a few guys id like to sick him on ROFL :)
Yeah you can still use it lol, i just listen to it while i frag have not put it in a video. Though you should post some frag videos you have made i would love to see them
I expected for him to be making a picture out of drugs lol. Have you not seen the Movie God of war with nick cage? there is a scene in the movie. Were jared leto's charecter has a kilo of cocaine, And draws the outline of the country romania with cocaine!
This was great this made me laugh so hard! I thought he had a good fuck face! It was not like Im supper pissed FUCK!!!!! kinda face> It was like wow can anything go my way today fuckk. sigh face
Yeah for the PC it goes to valve The link below Is a link to Some content changes, As far for performances patches Rumors on the Game servers site were i rent Black ops They are gonna work On the spawn system for Deathmatch style games. Plus allow for the respawn timer to be changed. Still no...
I cant wait for this game Mass efeect 1 and 2 were some of the best games i have ever played. First off it was a Great First person Shooter. as well as a Well rounded RPG. This is one of those titles i am really looking forward to, I think bio ware is a great studio even the new starwars mmorpg...
Yeah this is Really cool! I only need 1 more Objective to hit 10. :) I just started useing steam again after years. I love it, It really makes all of PC gaming in to more of a community. Which was the only thing i Liked about Consoles. But steam to me is like the Xbox live or PSN of the PC...