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  1. K


    Well panki youtube hate germany!
  2. K

    Comic Sans [Documentary]

    I Love comic sans Except for whatever reason i cant get it to work on TMS
  3. K

    Mafia II Multiplayer being developed!

    Yay this means i wont have to unistall it when i beat it!
  4. K

    5 Annoying Trends That Make Every Movie Look the same

    I kinda liked that avatar movie meow, I really did like it alot. (I was actually trying to tell my alot about the movie, I only kinda liked it)
  5. K

    I Am Legend: Alternative ending

    Exactley grazly that ending actually made you feel somthing!
  6. K

    Neo-Nazi Couple Find Out They're Jewish

    Well said mave i think we would all be sad if we lost TMS
  7. K

    Nascar Taxi

    That was pretty Cool, Thats probaly the fastest street legal camry ever. I would have really lol if he would have got pulled over!
  8. K


    Im really pale so i get sun burned way easy, Thats why i like it at night! Ohh and what the heck did you say panki I already told you meine duscth ist nicht sehr gut!
  9. K

    End of zee world

    Do you actually ride the kangaroo nimph or do you just sit in its pouch and kick the joey out!?
  10. K

    End of zee world

    [url=http://www.#[/url] This is a old video But one of my favs after talking to panki who had never seen it i realised there might be more sad souls that have yet to see end of ze world
  11. K

    5 Annoying Trends That Make Every Movie Look the same

    Some of it made sense Some of it i said so what never botherd me before!
  12. K

    I Am Legend: Alternative ending

    Yeah that really was an amazing eneding! so much emotion it almost brought me to tears like i love that move except the ending and that ending was awesome!
  13. K

    Duke Nukem Forever hitting PS3, 360 and PC “sometime in 2011″

    ^ Duke Nukeum is one of the best FPS franchises in gaming. early gameing
  14. K

    Mafia II sets world record as most profane game

    What the heck is that ugly looking cow thing mafia!?
  15. K

    Best Costume EVER

    Yeah i guess im done trying to troll! Im to nice to be mean!
  16. K

    Police to send "test" youths to pubs

    Hey what ever floats your boat sometimes i wake up still feeling stoned from the night before! soooo lol
  17. K

    How to make a cheating dice

    This actually does work! i know some kids that did it, It wont ruin your oven. At most it would ruin what ever you sit it on if the dice complety melted.
  18. K

    Wanna fly with us?

    lol thanks im glad you liked that! Its impossible for me too look that good so its kinda sad, I mean i dont think im bad looking but im a short skinny readhead REALLY REALLY SHORT!
  19. K

    Neo-Nazi Couple Find Out They're Jewish

    Its not any harder to not hotlink soo i dont mind that rule!
  20. K

    Cat falls asleep over glass of OJ

    That cat was adorable, I think the title should be cat falls asleep over a screwdriver bc i smelled vodka!
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