Recent content by Fries

  1. Fries

    TMS forums 8 year anniversary

    I have too many games already :P
  2. Fries

    TMS forums 8 year anniversary

    Ayy glad to see this place is still alive :D happy birthday tms!
  3. Fries

    How much of a house (in square feet) can be bought with $1 million in US cities

    I'm not entirely sure this is accurate as it's probably counting warehouse space for Detroit.
  4. Fries

    What is your favourite source code editor/IDE?

    Sublime here aswell
  5. Fries

    U.S. Government Caught Pirating Military Software, Settles For $50 Million

    The hypocrisy >.> it continues.
  6. Fries

    Google+ Astroturfing Exposed

    I'm not entirely sure how accurate the video is, since I still see pleeeenty of criticism and spam in the comments but honestly, it's still better than the BS that it was filled w/ before.
  7. Fries

    Google+ Astroturfing Exposed

    Lmfao, I rarely even bother w/ the comments section but it's good to see that their making an effort. It was just plain toxic before.
  8. Fries

    Jealous Saudi husband divorces wife after seeing photo of her kissing horse

    Well no shit an ass is jealous of it's wife kissing it's much more handsome cousin.
  9. Fries

    Kuwait developing ‘gay detector’ test to keep LGBT expats out of Gulf countries

    Wtf? I thought this was the 21st century. You know, where people aren't morons about this.
  10. Fries

    Amazon takes on Paypal with new pay service

    Also paypal can be quite shitty at times.
  11. Fries

    Fast and Fuhrerous

    Now THIS is a car that could finish a few races.
  12. Fries

    Music Pirates Buy 30% More Music than Non-Filesharers

    Makes perfect sense if you consider that music pirates flat out listen to more music. They're more willing to shell out money for 1 soundtrack out of the 100 they listened to over the past few weeks. Same with video game piracy. You get access to SOO MANY games that eventually you don't mind...
  13. Fries

    Oh, Mave...

    Eyyyyy Happy Birthday!
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