Tutorial How to get 10 skill points every 30 seconds + unlocking (super) wheel spins


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Part 1. Collecting skill points

When you count in race restarting, it comes down to 10 skill points every 50 seconds, which is still pretty neat.
1 hour = 720 skill points
30 minutes = 360 skill points
20 minutes = 240 skill points
10 minutes = 120 skill points

All you have to do is load up this code through the creative hub: 743 324 179
Then make sure that in difficulty settings both braking and steering are at full auto mode.


That's it! Now you can blindly complete this race by holding R2 down, once it finishes you simply press x to restart the race, confirm with a, hit a again. Rinse and repeat.
I do this for 20 minutes at a time while watching youtube/tv series. Results in an easy 240 skill points.

Part 2. Unlocking super wheel spins

Now for the second part all you have to do is go to Horizon Festival.
From there enter the Autoshow, press the button so you can quickly move to brand (view button on xbox controller) and select Porsche.
From there buy the Cayman GTS 2015 by pressing x, press y immediately afterwards, confirm twice with x, then start spamming b.
Once you see the Cayman in front of you, head over to car mastery and complete the easiest path to the super wheelspin. I always throw in the regular wheel spin as well.
Back out of the menu and press x to enter Horizon Festival again.
Then simply rinse and repeat until you get bored!

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